Primary Muscle Group: Glutes, Hamstrings
Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps and Rectus Abdominis
Preparation: Position your upper torso on a stability ball with your head, shoulders and back resting on the ball in a straight position. Your legs should be bent 90 degrees at the knees with your feet positioned on the floor. Position arms bent and placed just below your lower back providing balance.
Breathing: Breath out on the contraction of the muscle and breath back in on the way back to the start position.
Execution: Begin the exercise movement by lifting your one leg off the floor and extending it straight out and pointing your toes outward. Stay balanced and hold for one second and then alternate between legs during the exercise movement.
Here are a few suggested alternative exercises:
Ball Leg LungeBall LungeBall Wall SquatBand LungeBand Lying Leg ExtensionBand SquatBand Standing Leg ExtensionBarbell Bulgarian Split SquatBarbell Lateral LungeDead LiftDumbbell Dead LiftDumbbell Hack SquatDumbbell Lateral LungeDumbbell LungeDumbbell Lunge CrossoverDumbbell Lunge WalkingDumbbell SquatDumbbell Sumo SquatFront SquatHack Front SquatHack SquatLunge - BarbellLunge BackwardLunge CrossoverLunge DiagonalLunge ForwardSquat - Barbell