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What do you do when you log in?
Old Original Post: 5/8/2008 9:14:55 AM a
Joined On: May, 7, 2008
Posts: 8
What do you do when you log in?

I am always looking for the best thing to do to improve my experience on this Personal trainer website, so If you could help me a bit. Tell me what you do when you first log-on and please tell me why. :) thanks!  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/8/2008 3:32:44 PM
Joined On: Apr, 7, 2008
Posts: 12
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

I'm pretty new here too, but I usually check my calendar first, for what exercise I have scheduled for that day, then enter what you've eaten in your food diary, you can check to see if anyone has responded to your message, check out how your food calories and calories burned equate to real life weight loss, that's pretty encouraging, there's a lot I haven't explored, too, so hey, God Bless, and good luck.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/9/2008 9:29:26 AM
Joined On: May, 7, 2008
Posts: 8
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

How does the food diary work, if you want to gain muscle mass. I don't need to loose pounds I need to stay the same or gain muscle mass, any suggestions.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/9/2008 9:31:50 PM
Joined On: Apr, 7, 2008
Posts: 12
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

Ya know what ,Not to advocate a different site, but I just saw on Men's Home Personal Trainer how to gain muscle, but I didn't read to much, let me double check that web address and i'll get back with ya.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/9/2008 9:36:33 PM
Joined On: Apr, 7, 2008
Posts: 12
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

Hey, me again, that is Men's Health News (MHNews@rodalenews.com) They have some cool advice, this one was Turning fat to muscle, so maybe that's in a better direction for you! WORK IT!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/11/2008 12:00:27 AM
Joined On: May, 7, 2008
Posts: 8
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

thanks I'll take a look

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/11/2008 12:02:45 AM
Joined On: May, 7, 2008
Posts: 8
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

I took a look but so far this site is working great. I'm gonna give it a couple of months and see if it works.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/12/2008 2:37:11 PM
Joined On: Apr, 7, 2008
Posts: 12
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

I love this site! I think there are so many tips out there, its overwhelming, but this one really keeps me on track, and motivated, too! Once again, good luck!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/13/2008 12:54:50 PM
Joined On: May, 7, 2008
Posts: 8
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

yes, except i forgot a workout yesterday. lol.

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/13/2008 8:56:23 PM
Joined On: Apr, 7, 2008
Posts: 12
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

Just pick up where you left off, I missed Mother's Day, But i'm back on track, that's what counts!!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/14/2008 7:37:53 PM
Joined On: May, 7, 2008
Posts: 8
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

lol, right I'm also back on track

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