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How to get the most from My Home Personal Trainer
Old Original Post: 9/28/2007 8:31:19 PM a
Joined On: Dec, 31, 2006
Posts: 39
How to get the most from My Home Personal Trainer

As you begin to navigage through our powerful fitness and nutrition software and are looking for the fastest way to log your workouts, build a nutrition plan, add a food thats not listed.... You may get lost in the power of MHPT... Don't fret.... We have your answers right here at MFC... Don't be shy... If you can't figure it out... We are here to help you get the most out of our training software.....  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 6/18/2009 12:29:52 PM
Joined On: Jun, 18, 2009
Posts: 1
Forum Reply Re: How to get the most from My Home Personal Trainer

I can't afford a gym, or a personal trainer. I am severly obese and severly impoverished. I am trying to use the basic program and don't know how to program exercises. the help menu tells me to click on options that i can't see. the library exercises all involve equipment i don't have. how do i use this program? Please help me.  

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