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Daily Greeting
Old Original Post: 12/23/2007 4:20:14 PM a
Joined On: Dec, 1, 2007
Posts: 84
Daily Greeting

I bought those Skinny Cow Fudge Sickles. Taste too good. I'm thinking buying one "real" fudge sickle, occassionally, might be better than trucking in a whole box of "low cal" treats. I find I do better w/one serving of a sweet in the house. We'll see. Any opinions on this subject? I know food shouldn't be a reward. But occasionally, I like to have a desert. Slippery slope though. Managing okay, for now.
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 1/27/2008 12:52:21 PM
Joined On: Dec, 19, 2007
Posts: 21
Forum Reply Re: Daily Greeting

cold but still going for a swim in the lake with some abstract hope that I can do a mini tri in April

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 1/27/2008 5:45:49 PM
Joined On: Dec, 1, 2007
Posts: 84
Forum Reply Re: Daily Greeting

i gotta do better in february. slips, feasts, craving awards go to ME!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 1/28/2008 1:23:46 PM
Joined On: Dec, 19, 2007
Posts: 21
Forum Reply Re: Daily Greeting

feed the cravings but with SMALL portions that way you dont fall hard with a binge after a long absence  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 1/28/2008 9:15:41 PM
Joined On: Dec, 1, 2007
Posts: 84
Forum Reply Re: Daily Greeting

someday my weight loss buddy will come along. i'll be here watching my calorie count go up and down, exercising as many days as I can, and slowly, gradually, losing the weight I've gained over, oh, so many eyars.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 1/29/2008 10:25:52 AM
Joined On: Dec, 19, 2007
Posts: 21
Forum Reply Re: Daily Greeting

takes 23 days to creat a good habit so stick with something --evena small thing like no seconds on potato chips-- then create more habits and eventually you wont be able to gain things back because those bad habits are gone  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 1/29/2008 9:24:13 PM
Joined On: Dec, 1, 2007
Posts: 84
Forum Reply Re: Daily Greeting

continue to post to myself until a buddy comes along to join me on this eat healthy, keep moving journey.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 1/30/2008 8:07:36 PM
Joined On: Dec, 1, 2007
Posts: 84
Forum Reply Re: Daily Greeting

hormones working in my favor for a change. not as hungry. no cravings. able to eat less without trying, but still eating my fill of nutritious foods. made soup heavy with vegetables. (that's the only way I seem to enjoy vegetables). string beans, collard, mustard, and turnip greens, and kale, and barley, and a little potatoe and sweet potatoe and barley and onions and garlic and tomatoes. yum, hot, comforting.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 1/31/2008 12:03:02 PM
Joined On: Dec, 19, 2007
Posts: 21
Forum Reply Re: Daily Greeting

Felicia are you not seeing any blogs I am posting ???  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 2/1/2008 2:30:11 PM
Joined On: Dec, 1, 2007
Posts: 84
Forum Reply Re: Daily Greeting

i'm weaker than I thought. I fall to making excuses whenever I don't keep my commitment to myself to eat light and exercise for the day. I can talk a good game. But in the end I haven't been making the best choices. I'd rather come home from work than exercise. I'd rather eat one more serving of something i want than let it lay on the refrigerator shelf. I delude myselff in countless ways. Yet it's been a tough month of raging hormones, pain meds for cramps, and mood swings from hell.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 2/2/2008 4:39:18 PM
Joined On: Dec, 1, 2007
Posts: 84
Forum Reply Re: Daily Greeting

on this web site, i'm a group of one! but i have found another web site for people losing weight where I'm part of a larger community. i'll continue to post here just in case some other newbie joins our site and wants a buddy. until then, my post for today is to report that i'm just going to do what I do and report the facts. today it was 2 scrambled egg sandwhiches with 2 slices of bacon and a big mug of hot chocolate. i recorded meal and calories and plan to eat less for the rest of day.  

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