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27 Days
Old Original Post: 6/8/2011 11:00:34 AM a
Joined On: Jul, 28, 2010
Posts: 4
27 Days

I have 27 days until we go on our cruise!!! I've had to take the past 2 days off bc of illness but I'm back!!
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 6/13/2011 11:20:58 AM
Joined On: Jul, 28, 2010
Posts: 4
Forum Reply Re: 27 Days

Working out feels awesome. I am hoping to make it to my goal of running a half marathon on December 4th!!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 6/20/2011 11:03:16 AM
Joined On: Jul, 28, 2010
Posts: 4
Forum Reply Re: 27 Days

Only able to do 11 minutes today :(

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