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The Impossible Feat
Old Original Post: 1/6/2012 9:23:11 PM a
Joined On: Dec, 27, 2011
Posts: 27
The Impossible Feat

Tomorrow, I will be attempting a 50K. I know it's crazy. Sometimes you have to jump in there with both feet and see what happens. I will listen to my body and enjoy my time out there. I just want to see how far I can go.
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 1/7/2012 10:08:17 PM
Joined On: Dec, 27, 2011
Posts: 27
Forum Reply Re: The Impossible Feat

Well.... I did not complete the 50K. I did however finish 25 miles.... in 8 hours. Was swept from the course with just 6 miles left. This is a good baseline for my training.

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 1/8/2012 9:11:56 PM
Joined On: Dec, 27, 2011
Posts: 27
Forum Reply Re: The Impossible Feat

Yay!! I'm still feeling good. Tomorrow.... it's back to work.... so I hope I will still be okay.

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