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Hello out there
Old Original Post: 8/9/2007 1:53:23 AM a
Joined On: Aug, 8, 2007
Posts: 3
Hello out there

Newbie coming through! I just found this site and am hoping that it is what I need to get on the right track to fitness. I am not overweight but would like to lose 13 pounds. I have never been one to stick to a program because of boredom, but maybe this is what I need! Most importantly I need to really build some muscle and get tone and improve my eating habits. I have a great positive attitude but maybe need some help in the discipline department!  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 8/22/2007 4:53:03 PM
Joined On: Aug, 14, 2007
Posts: 15
Forum Reply Re: Hello out there

Hi Heather and welcome!!! My target is about the same. I'm currently 218+- and 6'1" and WILL be down to 185 by the middle or end of November. Checkout some the programs they have to offer here...almost all will work for you, the tough part is STICKING WITH IT!!! I just joined last week and so far, so good!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 8/25/2007 5:53:44 PM
Joined On: Dec, 31, 2006
Posts: 39
Forum Reply Re: Hello out there

Hi Heather.... Welcome to the fitness community.... We highly recommend you record your daily eating patterns and track your exercise workouts so you can see if you are getting the most from your efforts..... LIke any goal, a written one, that you monitor and adjust as you learn what is working and not is your best road to long term success.. Our fitness software provides just that tool..Best of luck....Robert Head Fitness Expert  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/8/2010 3:58:41 PM
Joined On: Apr, 3, 2010
Posts: 6
Forum Reply Re: Hello out there

I'm loving the MHPT site! But I'm wondering . . . does anyone still post here? Almost everything has a date from more than a year ago. So I guess I'm just posting to say hello on the off-chance someone checks in looking for a more recent post. Have a great weekend! ~Sandy

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