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Started Today
Old Original Post: 2/18/2008 10:11:33 AM a
Joined On: Feb, 16, 2008
Posts: 3
Started Today

I am in the normal weight range for my height, but feel and see the excess body fat. I would like to shed about 10 pounds and get toned. I started the workout program today. I was a little skeptical when I printed the workout report, thinking this couldn't possible give me a challenge where I would 'feel the burn'. Well let me tell you...I felt 'the burn'. It was just enough to let me know it was working but not too much to discourage me to keep going.
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 2/26/2008 9:14:37 AM
Joined On: Feb, 16, 2008
Posts: 3
Forum Reply Re: Started Today

I'm still hanging in there! It's only been a 7 days, but I feel more energized. The eating habits are the hardest thing to control. I don't have a taste for many of the 'good foods', so I'm trying to discipline myself the best that I can. After three c-sections, I'm thinking the ab area will be the most difficult area to tone. We'll see what happens.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 3/10/2008 8:16:12 AM
Joined On: Feb, 16, 2008
Posts: 3
Forum Reply Re: Started Today

I missed 4 days of working out. It started with an appointment and then an excuse for each day after that. BUT! I'm back on track today. I get really discouraged when I don't see results quickly. I had to remind myself that I may not see imediate results, but I feel so much better after each workout. I hope the visual part will soon show.  

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