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Drinking Water
Old Original Post: 10/21/2008 4:13:46 AM a
Joined On: Oct, 19, 2008
Posts: 5
Drinking Water

Did I miss the article or just overlook the advice from the home site about the issue of "HOW MUCH WATER TO DRINK"? DOES DRINKING A GLASS RIGHT AFTER GETTING OUT OF BED MAKE A DIFFERENCE?
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 1/9/2009 9:21:24 PM
Joined On: Dec, 29, 2008
Posts: 25
Forum Reply Re: Drinking Water

I've heard that you should drink 64 oz. and that you should drink half of your weight in oz. (I weigh 200 lbs. so I should drink 100 oz.). Some of the new research is showing that a good chunk of this comes from your food so that decreases that, but you should always increase with exercise. As for drinking right after waking up, the only positive that I heard about that is that it flushes out toxins that have collected during the night and replenishes water lost during the night.

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 3/25/2009 9:54:23 PM
Joined On: Nov, 3, 2008
Posts: 27
Forum Reply Re: Drinking Water

I am absolutely terrible at drinking water! I wish I could drink more but I hate having to pee all the time!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 4/14/2009 5:24:40 PM
Joined On: Apr, 7, 2009
Posts: 8
Forum Reply Re: Drinking Water

I hate drinking too much water because I have to go to the restroom a lot. I know it's good for you, but too much water is bad for you too. Just like too much of anything is bad. I do like water especially when you just finish chewing mint gum and have really cold water it just makes it so much more refreshing.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 8/14/2009 2:02:06 PM
Joined On: Aug, 3, 2009
Posts: 16
Forum Reply Re: Drinking Water

I've heard that one is to drink 8 - 8 ounce cups of water a day, plus an extra for every 25 lbs you are over-weight. I've gone from drinking 13 to 9! I too don't like to spend half my day in the bathroom, lol.

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