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Arm Flab
Old Original Post: 8/10/2009 3:46:38 PM a
Joined On: Aug, 3, 2009
Posts: 16
Arm Flab

About 2 years ago I started Weight Watchers and have gone from 275 to 190. I'm now at a point where I can exercise without becoming too winded, I must have a small lung capacity or something, lol. Anyway, I have been doing some cardio, but I'm curious...how in the world can I get rid of my upper arm flab? It's horrible when I talk and it just swings back and forth (because naturally I talk with my hands). I searched this site but am having trouble finding workouts for certain areas of the body.  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 6/19/2010 2:19:35 AM
Joined On: Jun, 4, 2010
Posts: 2
Forum Reply Re: Arm Flab

from all that i have read you cannot target certain body parts. What I have found useful in loosing that flab is doing cardio on an eliptical machine with handles that move with your arms, and you can push and pull with your arms as well

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 7/16/2010 10:09:54 AM
Joined On: Jun, 28, 2010
Posts: 16
Forum Reply Re: Arm Flab

I am one of those girls who thinks that upper body strength is very important for women. I am an EMT and do a lot of lifting. I use weights, usually one dumbell with my hands together and drop the dumbell behind my head and pull in back up till my arms are straight above my head. This really works the back of my arms.  

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