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I'm on a mission!!!
Old Original Post: 9/3/2007 7:26:17 PM a
Joined On: Feb, 18, 2007
Posts: 7
I'm on a mission!!!

I joined a little while back when training for 1/2 marathon here in Louisville, KY. The calendar kept me on track while I had the race as my motivator. I now have put the 2008 NY Marathon in my sites so I am going to need some help to keep at it. My goal is to lose 40 Lbs and cut my Body fat comp from 30% to less than 20%. I start with a PT at the local YMCA tomorrow. Anyone else using external goals as motivation  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 9/4/2007 3:25:18 AM
Joined On: Aug, 14, 2007
Posts: 15
Forum Reply Re: I'm on a mission!!!

Hi Richard, I think it's great you have a goal such as a marathon. I "used to" do triathlons in my "younger" years. Just turning 49 has made me face realty and to get back into shape again. The only external motivation I have is that I want to find a nice woman to spend my life with. I want that person to be proud of the way I look. So if that is what you mean by external motivation...then that's it! Good luck to you pal.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 9/4/2007 9:12:42 AM
Joined On: Feb, 18, 2007
Posts: 7
Forum Reply Re: I'm on a mission!!!

That certainly is external motivation. Something other than just guts, will power and internal drive. We have started a "biggest loser" competition here at work as well, so that is motivation too. Thanks for the encouragement.

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 9/7/2007 9:50:32 PM
Joined On: Dec, 31, 2006
Posts: 39
Forum Reply Re: I'm on a mission!!!

Great Stuff guys... Remember... Feed your Head, Feed your Body...Train Your Mind, Train Your Body.... And you will get long term results... I highly recommend a great read with Mind over Body by Nordine Zouareg You can find it online at Amazon.com Its an excellent read and a great way to focus on building a strong foundation with your mind first.....  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 8/13/2008 12:15:08 AM
Joined On: Aug, 5, 2008
Posts: 1
Forum Reply Re: I'm on a mission!!!

On a mission myself. Turning 47 this Sept and want to be fitter than I ever have. Never have I used weights and am starting a wt. session at LA fitness along with my cardio. Good luck . Thanks for the motivation because you really sound motivated.  

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