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Camping and outdoor family gatherings
Old Original Post: 7/17/2010 10:29:23 AM a
Joined On: Jun, 28, 2010
Posts: 16
Camping and outdoor family gatherings

I have spent hours planning and preparing the menu for our camping trip this weekend. It is hard to do this when you are on a strict diet. Anyone have a simpler way they use to prepare to camp or leave town when dieting. This has just been nuts!
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 7/30/2010 4:01:37 AM
Joined On: Mar, 27, 2010
Posts: 1
Forum Reply Re: Camping and outdoor family gatherings

Well... I love camping and outdoors. But I don't really have problems planning menu. I just make sure there are plenty of veggies (mmm... those grilled peppers...) and greens planned and eat lots of them with some grilled meat or fish (even better!) If no grilling is planned I make the usual stuff for everyone and take dried meat for myself.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 9/4/2010 1:19:56 PM
Joined On: Aug, 21, 2010
Posts: 15
Forum Reply Re: Camping and outdoor family gatherings

your trying to hard guy.. just bring lots of salad fruits veges.. you can do veges on the fire. in a skillet.. they taste great.. bring lean meat. and or vege burgers. corn on the cob. try 1 tsp balsamic viniger to 1 tbsp olive oil for your salad and season to taste . like lemon or mint anything.. or try this site http://www.prevention.com/bbq400/?cm_mmc=EUSD-_-06292009-_-Nutrition%20and%20Recipes-_-400-Calorie%20BBQ%20Recipes low cal for the barby  

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