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I can make anybody smile!
Old Original Post: 8/7/2007 10:32:19 PM a
Joined On: Aug, 7, 2007
Posts: 5
I can make anybody smile!

Hey there, I am up for the challenge of being a friend. I live in Ottawa Canada - I doubt anyone is from there too but we can motivate each other online is you want.  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 8/10/2007 8:58:39 AM
Joined On: Dec, 31, 2006
Posts: 39
Forum Reply Re: I can make anybody smile!

Great Post Jessica... Absolutely... Dont forget that we have an awesome fitness rewards program where you can Get Fit, Get Points and Get Rewards... This is a great way to challenge yourself, challenge a friend, coworker, or family member into supporting and improving a healthier lifestyle....Then we can share our successes with each other... Thanks for becoming a member of the Fitness Community... Rob Your Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 8/21/2007 11:00:58 PM
Joined On: May, 20, 2007
Posts: 8
Forum Reply Re: I can make anybody smile!

Hi, Im looking for a motivational friend online too, I live in MN , USA, but online could be a great way to be acountable and get ideas for improvement, talk to you later.

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