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Newbie Seeks Buddy
Old Original Post: 8/14/2007 9:08:14 PM a
Joined On: Aug, 14, 2007
Posts: 15
Newbie Seeks Buddy

Just joined and would like to have people to be accountable to. I'm beginning my workout tomorrow. It's never too late!
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 9/5/2007 8:01:25 AM
Joined On: Feb, 18, 2007
Posts: 7
Forum Reply Re: Newbie Seeks Buddy

Hey Rick, I started mine last night. I have 40# to lose. I am starting with HIIT coupled with weight training and better eating. I'll let you know how things come along, or beter said come off. It's been 3 weeks for you. How you doing? What strategies are you using?

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 9/6/2007 1:37:33 AM
Joined On: Aug, 14, 2007
Posts: 15
Forum Reply Re: Newbie Seeks Buddy

Richard, ever since I've improved on my eating habits..THANKS TO ROB, and understand the difference of calorie intake vs. calorie's burned, I'm finally getting a handle on it. I want to drop 33 more pounds, but in realty and according to my frame I think 190 to 195 would be perfect. Always shoot for more than you want...right? I haven't weighed myself since I started. I'm using the good old fashion way for now...belt holes. I'll tell you Richard..the EFitness Points help motivate me!!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 9/6/2007 1:42:31 AM
Joined On: Aug, 14, 2007
Posts: 15
Forum Reply Re: Newbie Seeks Buddy

Oh yea...I forgot to mention. I only take Saturdays off and am trying to double up routines on certain days. Today was the first I did it!! EXHAUSTING!!! I started out on the 20 minutes a day rountine, but I need more than that...I have no patience. How many days are you working out. OH...BTW....WELCOME!!!!! I don't feel like the newest rookie here in anymore...hahaha.

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 9/7/2007 9:53:39 PM
Joined On: Feb, 18, 2007
Posts: 7
Forum Reply Re: Newbie Seeks Buddy

I am working out twice a day. At lunch I am doing some HIIT. Run a 7 min mile pace for a minute, the a 5 minute pace for 2 minutes and walk @ 4 minute pace for 2. Then back up to 7 etc. I do this for 30 minutes. Then 3 nights I am doing some weight liftiing. My PT suggested to keep my protein intake higher than I have been to build muscle. I am not really wanting bulk just definition. Some morings I am walking before work.I am in a "Biggest Loser" contest at work" so for me the scale is king.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 9/8/2007 2:09:32 AM
Joined On: Aug, 14, 2007
Posts: 15
Forum Reply Re: Newbie Seeks Buddy

Wow Richard, I'm impressed!! That sounds like a great workout. When I did Triathlons, I would run to pre-determined landmarks, knowing the distances and try to always beat my previous time to them...even if it were only a few seconds. One thing that really helped my running, was swimming alot (1 mile in the a.m then 1 mile in the p.m.). Keep it up!!! It sounds fantastic and at that rate, I'll be looking for you during the NY Marathon next year!!! STAY MOTIVATED NO MATTER WHAT!!!!  

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