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Bengal Canapes

Recipe : Bengal Canapes
Procedure :

8 sl Bread

1 tb Butter

4 oz Chopped ham

1/2 c Grated cheddar cheese

Mango chutney Grated Parmesan cheese Paprika to taste Make toasted bread croutons: Using a small glass, cut 2-inch rounds out of slices of bread (you'll get about two per slice). Lightly toast both sides of bread. Heat butter, ham and cheese together. Spread on toasted bread croutons. Top with a dab of mango chutney and grated Parmesan cheese. Brown slightly under broiler. Sprinkle with a little paprika and serve hot. Note: If you make your own French bread, make a loaf smaller in diameter. Freeze, then slice frozen to crouton thickness or thinner. Makes for better base.

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