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Frozen Christmas Wreath

Recipe : Frozen Christmas Wreath
Procedure :

-Water;boiled and cooled Fresh or frozen cranberries 1 bn Mint sprigs, fresh

2 Lemons

Freeze this floating ring in stage so decoration don't rise to the top and add to a holiday punch bowl. NEVER use real holly; it is poisonous. In a 10 inch ring mold, freeze 1/4 inch water until solid. Pour 1/8" cluster of 3 cranberries around inner edge of mould and freeze till solid. Repeat with second 1/8th inch layer of water and cranberries around outer edge of mould; freeze. Repeat water layer; arrange tiny clusters of mint and single leaves face down among berry clusters to look like holly. Freeze. Using stripper and working from top to bottom, cut 8 evenly spaced ridges out of rind of each lemon; cut each lemon into 8 thin rounds. Pour 1/8 inch water into mould; arrange overlapping lemon slices all around

mould. Tuck in mint leaves, face down; freeze. Repeat pouring in water; arrange ring of cranberries against outer edge of mould and freeze. If necessary pour in water to top of mould; freeze. To unmould, dip ring into cold water for 30 seconds; invert on plate and unmould. Slide into punch, rounded side up. MAKES: 1 ring

Source: The Merry Christmas Cookbook from Canadian Living magazine

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