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Dark Almond Macaroons Covered with Pine Nuts

Recipe : Dark Almond Macaroons Covered with Pine Nuts
Procedure :

12 oz Almonds, whole

1 1/2 c Sugar, confectioner's

1 ts Vanilla extract

2 tb Honey

2 Egg whites

2 c Pine nuts

Preheat oven to 350, place the oven racks into the middle of the oven and line one or two sheet pans with foil. In a food processor grind the almonds fine using a pulsing action. Add the sugar and process until blended. Remove to a mixing bowl and stir in the vanilla, honey and egg whites. Place the pine nuts on a plate. Drop the batter in heapin table spoons into the pine nuts and roll gently to cover each cookie with pine nuts. After roling, the cookies should be shaped like short logs. Place on the lined pans about two inches apart. Bake in a preheated oven for 18 minutes until golden brown on top and wel browned on the bottom. If baking two sheets at a time, switch them top to bottom halfway through baking. Slide the foil with the cookies off the pan and cool for 5 min. Peel the foil off the still warm cookies and cool completely. NOTES : Very distinctive, thse macroons are not too sweet, but are crunchy and chewy and rich with the exotic flavor of toasted pine nuts.

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