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Recipe : Bo-Peeps-A-Crock
Procedure :

1 lb 2-3 lb veal/lamb breast

2 tb Chicken bullion mix (or 1 qt

Water to 1 qt (or broth) 1 ts Nutmeg

1 ts Ginger, powdered

16 ea Cloves, whole

1 ea Medium/large carrot, chopped

1 c Grapes (optional)

Good sale? See that Veal or cut of Lamb? Many things go with it. This is one varition.

Cut the meat as needed to fit in the crockpot, removing as much fat as possible. Now toss in the rest. Cook on high for 4 hours, then cool it and skim off the fat. Reheat and it's good heated for 6 hours at a shot for 2 days. (refridgerate inbetween times!) Serves well with an acorn or buttternut squash, cut in half and baked then served in a bowl with the shell filled with meat and soup. Add rice (Basmati or Jasmine prefered) and some blue lake green beans for a perfect but easy meal.

Nutrition: High in fat, even when cooled and skimmed, but sugar free and low in sodium. Use as a specialty now and again even if dieting. Sastifies sweet tooth with no sugar added.

From the kitchen of: xxcarol

From the kitchen of: xxcarol


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